Basketballs plus elementary school students produced a winning fundraiser for Montaña de Luz. The creative, fun-filled Hoops for Honduras event at Central College Christian School in Westerville, Ohio, raised more than $9,100.
Here’s how it worked: Students asked relatives, friends and neighbors to sponsor them for a certain amount for each basket they would make during a particular gym class. On the given day, the student’s successful baskets were tallied, and sponsors learned how much they owed. In addition, students and their families learned more about Montaña de Luz and our mission of empowering children and families affected by HIV/AIDS in Honduras.
The Hoops for Honduras fundraiser provided enough funding to cover the salary of an MdL nurse in Honduras for the entire year!
Special thanks to teacher Mary Townley for coordinating this year’s event. The fundraiser was the brainchild of teacher Tim Loehr, who was inspired to raise money to help MdL after visiting the Mountain of Light in Honduras.
If your school, church, Spanish club or other group is interested in hosting a Hoops for Honduras fundraiser or any other sort of event, please contact MdL executive director Anna Jackson: