Charla Luz educates about HIV/AIDS

More than 4,000 people have been reached across Honduras by our Charla Luz education program, launched in 2013. Through skits and interactive elements, MdL staff and youth share accurate information about HIV transmission, resources, and support. The program details the dangers of HIV stigma, the Honduran privacy law, and where people can access resources.

The Charla Luz team has traveled throughout Honduras for presentations to churches, universities, businesses, and international groups. Charla Luz has been featured on Honduran radio and TV. 

In 2024, MdL received a $10,350 grant from Health Care Advocates International (HCAI) to expand the program. HCAI is a Connecticut-based health and advocacy organization that serves the needs of the LGBTQ+ community. The grant will help expand Charla Luz to new locations, provide handouts and other materials for audience members, and create a video version of the presentation to reach new communities.

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